Services & Modules

Consulting Services & Modules for Professional firms

While the challenges across all professional services firms traditionally remain in the domains of talent acquisition, profitability, and client management, the one particular thing that makes firms struggle most is the quality of business decisions.

Often, due to absence of proper frameworks, relevant experience, different perspective, or just time to think things through — unwittingly blindfolded — folks keep stepping on the same rake. Other times, decisions just aren’t made. This creates ambiguity, anxiety, and needless organizational entropy.

Together with your team, we’ll work to explore viable options, so they themselves confidently arrive at decisions that will move the needle.

Management consulting services for strategic decision-making

The following list of services and modules is carefully curated. We regularly prune more than we add to this inventory. Each offering serves a purpose and wouldn’t be listed here otherwise. While these consulting engagements may be acquired separately, we typically use them as an assembly in our advisory services.

What we call modules are consulting services we carry out ourselves. The so-called auxiliary services are provided in tandem with third-parties. In such a case, our role is to provide both consulting (using our proprietary frameworks and models) and inspection for the deliverables provided by other specialists.

For example, we will perform naming services ourselves. However, for branding or web design, we will arrange for a third party to carry out the work while we will guide them and monitor. We charge a 20% project management fee for all auxiliary services.

Service Offering Design (SOD) module

Exclusively for this module, we have developed a proprietary Map of Service Offering Design. Together with your team, we will go through your current service lines, and identify areas of improvement.

This module is an assembly of workshops, data analysis, and homework. To name a few topics, we’ll thoroughly investigate: client motivations, goal facilitators, value activities, and value elements. The fee is subject to the number of service lines we need to work on.

Typically, we don’t address pricing in this module, rather, briefly skim over the topic. However, pricing strategy is available as a standalone module; the two can be integrated.

5,000 USD+ Learn more

Pricing strategy module

The workshops and conversations pertinent to this module will help your team with identifying key challenges and opportunities in relationship to your pricing strategy. Note, we will not conduct extensive research. If together we establish that your firm needs to go really deep into pricing, based on our findings, we’ll be able to advise you which specialised consulting firms to approach.

It may be the case that your firm needs only a few adjustments, therefore, no particular necessity to commit substantial resources. The goal of this module is to investigate alternative pricing models; when it makes sense to reduce price? how to do it without sacrificing profitability? how to probe client wants? what to easily give away for free? how to address value — to name a few topics.

5,000 USD Learn more

Positioning module

How do you position your firm, your brand, your practices, or your services in the minds of your clients? Which categories better fit your capabilities? This positioning module answers some of the most fundamental marketing questions. Here, differentiation goes hand in hand with positioning. This module will aid in looking at the markets, and your own firm through a different lens.

Choosing the right category for your professional services firm may be vital. Too broad and you’re irrelevant. Too narrow and you’re unsustainable. However, established categories often have to be reconciled with novel strategies. In this module we will establish the best-fit positioning for your firm.

5,000 USD Learn more

Lead gen module

Lead generation isn’t only about getting more work. It is more about working with the right kind of clients. If your firm already has enough work, we will focus on getting better clients. If it doesn’t — we’ll look into both.

In this module we will develop an ongoing system for generating leads. We will improve lead to prospect conversion rates. We will review client qualification criteria. We will set specific targets, and work out a comfortable yet realistic schedule.

5,000 USD Learn more

Core MVVP module

A great module for firms that haven’t clearly articulated their mission, vision and purpose. The core statements aren’t supposed to be mere proclamations. They have to reflect what already exists within your organization’s culture. The statements are there to help employees articulate their tacit knowledge. This way, it becomes increasingly easier to communicate your core values, and rally troops when needed.

Three options, priced differently: (1) DIY framework, (2) 4-8 hour workshop, or (3) surveys, interviews, workshops, and firmwide buy-in.

2,000 USD+ Learn more

Naming module

A perfect name for a firm doesn’t exist. In our experience, it is more prudent to pick any name rather than wait for serendipity. However, there is a set of criteria that constitutes good (and bad) names for a firm, practice, and service lines. The name should stand out yet reinforce the right expectations. And it shouldn’t take months to come up with one.

During this 3-4 hour workshop we will go through several exercises. Your team will work toward generating the name using our framework. They will be proud of their efforts and results. There will be some homework, too.

1,500 USD Learn more

Touchpoints module

Touch points are areas of impact where your clients come into contact with your firm. Some touch points can have a big impact, some — smaller.

We will explore all four areas where your clients should experience how it is to work with your firm. We will emphasize the most prominent touchpoints, and eliminate distracting ones.

This is a 3-4 hour workshop with some homework. Expected participation: marketing directors.

1,500 USD Learn more

Auxiliary services for professional firms

We partner with experts in adjacent fields to provide the following auxiliary services. In this relationship, our role is to provide both consulting (based on our proprietary models and frameworks) and inspection for the deliverables provided by third-party specialists.

Because these services depend heavily on independent parties, the fees listed below are for reference only. For our involvement, we will charge a 20% project management fee on top of any auxiliary services fees.

Lead Nurturing services

This is a premium service for professional services firms that have met certain qualification criteria. Together with your team, we’ll design the buyers’ decision journeys, gather more data about your prospects at every step, nudge them toward specific favourable actions, and provide your sales/account people with actionable insight. Your firm’s website will serve as a central hub for lead nurturing activities.

20,000 USD + 10% of revenue increase

Messaging services

Brand messaging services are about your firm’s voice & tone, copy, compelling features and benefits. We’ll help your marketing team create an elevator pitch, taglines and multiple signature statements about your firm and your work.

You’ll have a messaging framework to use in your social media campaigns, on your website, in your articles, and anywhere your professional rub shoulders with your clients, prospects, and talent.

2,500 USD+ Learn more

Branding services

Branding services will include visual identity design: logo, patterns, iconography, color palette, look & feel, voice & tone — all the work required to set the baseline to look professional and appropriate for your category and target market.

10,000 USD+ Learn more

Digital marketing services

Digital marketing tailored specifically for professional firms. The typical areas include: email marketing, SEO, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, content planning, and social media marketing.

We’ll help your team create systems so they don’t have to always get engaged ad hoc or ever start from scratch.

5,000 USD+ Learn more

Web design services

Website design and development services are typically part of the Websites Worth Making package. We consider professional websites to be a crucial element in professional firm’s marketing. This tool may be of signifficant help to attain the kind of business you want. Some firms view their websites as a cost rather than an investment — that’s a mismatch with our approach. We consider such projects to be a bad fit for us and our partners.

20,000 USD+ Learn more

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