Service offering

Web design for professional service firms

During vendor selection process buyers of professional services visit their websites. Having researched five suppliers the skimming intensifies. Firms with look-a-like websites are forgotten.

When all vendors make the same claims the only thing that differentiates them is price. Professional websites that look different, say and show things differently, and radiate competence get selected for next stages in the buying process.

Web design and website development services

We view professional service firm’s website as a cornerstone of their digital marketing. When your prospects get your marketing messages for the first time — when they’ve never heard about your firm before — the very first thing ~80% of them do is go online in the hopes of finding your website.

Usually within the first ten seconds visitors place your firm into a category — a labeled box of sorts. Which box do you want your company to be in: cheap, outdated services or modern, professional experts? The way your website looks, loads and behaves determines the way your prospects will perceive your firm.

It isn’t impossible to change clients’ perceptions at later stages of engagement. But why wouldn’t you want to create an image, a filter and a threshold for the right type of clients right off the bat?

Web design services for small marketing firms | awezzom

Responsive website design

Research data suggests that almost half of internet traffic these days comes from mobile devices. Your prospects should be able to access your website 24/7 anywhere they like: at home, at work, hiking, on the train or in the car.

Your analytics data might suggest that the bulk of your users prefer to interact with your website on desktop devices. But the majority of first-time visitors are likely to pay your web app a visit on the go — that is — using their mobile device.

We create web apps that are beautiful and work great across all devices: smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop, POS and wearables. This means that your firm’s website will look professional no matter the screen size.

Screen dimensions change all the time. When a different screen size becomes popular, you won’t have to redo your website. It will be easy to navigate too. And your visitors won’t have to use a magnifying glass to see your marketing messages or content.

We will remove unnecessary friction between your business and your clients. Responsive websites are a must and a prudent investment for every professional services firm.

Responsive website for construction company by awezzom

User interface and User experience design

UI & UX are important aspects of web design. The amount of time your visitors spend on your digital premises is a ranking factor for Search engine results pages (SERP).

The better the experience your users have the more likely they are going spend more time on your web app. User interface plays a big role in this too. We will create great UI and UX for your visitors on your web apps for both desktop and mobile versions.

Your website is marketing tool and the way people interact with it can either help or hinder your marketing efforts.

If you care about your clients deeply enough you would probably want to help them succeed with whatever goal they might try to accomplish on your website.

Wireframes and prototype design, UX & UI by awezzom

Admin panel and Content management system

You have to have full control over your content: copy, images, videos and documents. Content management systems are great for managing your web app.

If you don’t want to make changes yourself or when you don’t have the time to do this is, we can take care of your content. We can train your employees to operate the admin panel and CMS as well.

When your budget is tight we can use an out-of-the box solution like WordPress. When you don’t want to mess up the integrity of web page designs, we will create a website without fancy editing options. And when your budget allows and it makes sense from the business perspective to have a custom-made admin panel with CMS — we will build it for you.

CMS and admin panel | awezzom

Website speed and Performance optimization

There is a three-second industry threshold beyond which website visitors are starting to drop-off at a rate of 10% per second. The faster your website the better the search engine rankings it is going to get.

We will optimize the loading speed of your web application. Your website will be fast, reliable and up to the current industry’s best practices and standards.

We can make your website load fast, work smooth and consume less resources. Why? Users don’t like it when web pages load slowly. First-time visitors generally drop off when a page loads longer than they expect. When the website feels laggy, people also tend to think that something is wrong and leave.

Search engines take this into consideration. The more progressive, fast, up-to-date, reliable and using-the-best-practices your website is the better it will be perceived by search engines and your target audience.

If your visitors like your website they will spend more time on it, perhaps share it woth their peers. All of this has a positive impact on organic search result page rankings.

Baltpanels google audit | awezzom

Full-stack web development

We do both back-end and front-end web development. This means that our capabilities are limitless. It also means that all of the parts, libraries, plugins and dependencies will work in unison.

We do not like to over-rely on third-party plugins and trendy libraries. We tend to stick to the core technology that powers websites. The reason is simple — third-party plugins are unreliable in the long run. The core tech will always work.

We want your investment to bear fruit. It is more time consuming for us to work this way — yes — but we believe it is more beneficial for your firm.

We are experts in both back-end and front-end web development. This means we can create the code that runs on the server side and make it communicate seamlessly with the code that works on the user’s devices. We can do this in a most efficient way possible. Your web application will be fast and reliable.

We will find the right balance for your website by distributing payloads. For your business this means spending less money with your hosting provider. For your users — less downloading —hence smaller Telco bills. Not to mention the benefits for the environment.

Back-end code on screen by awezzom

Third-party API integrations

When your business relies on third-party APIs or software services we can provide a seamless integration with your existing application. We can also create your APIs to integrate with other software providers. Widgets, APIs, modules, plugins — you name it.

When your professional services firm needs a complex web application from scratch we can provide an expert opinion. We’ll help you select the most suitable solution for your business requirements.

Third-party API integration | awezzom

Custom-made web applications and software solutions

If you are looking for a custom software solution for your company we’d be delighted to get involved with the challenge. We will help you develop a robust system tailored to your business needs.

Coder working on custom code | awezzom

Digital marketing services

We view our digital marketing work through a prism of prudence, potential value, and application of the SCP model. If we can’t see how we can add value to the project, we’d advise to either save the money or spend it with someone who’s more expertise in the subject.

Our digital marketing services range from website search engine optimization techniques to content creation to social media marketing to email marketing, copywriting, pay-per-click campaigns, Google my business, mobile marketing and analytics.

We don’t onboard more clients than we can handle without losing focus. We want to make sure our clients get the best value they could possibly get for their budgets.

Digital marketing services for business & professional services firms
awezzom is a Marketing Consultancy from NYC that can help your firm with professional website that delivers results.

Connect with us to discuss your website requirements

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