
Touch points planning for professional service firms

A touch point is a place (both physical and digital) or a point of contact where your clients, prospects and leads get to know what you’re about. Some touch points are more meaningful and more impactful than others.

Professional services firms of different sizes have different capacities to invest and support these points of contact. Thus a prioritization is required. This module helps with defining which touch points your firm should focus your resources on.

Touchpoints module

A well-designed touchpoint map allows your prospects to experience your firm across all four quadrants. A typical small-to-medium size professional services firm shouldn’t allow itself to stretch resources too thin, and has to select priorities to focus on.

This module gives a broader picture on points of contact with your firm. And allows you to plan your limited resources for the most impactful and immediate ones.

This module is like a hand to a glove for the Roadmap module where we list objectives, assign budgets and people to particular touch points.

Example of touch point design for professional services firm | awezzom

Here is what you can expect from this module:

  • List of required touch points.
  • Ranking by multiple parameters.
  • Application of the SCP model to see which touchpoints are most aligned.
  • Mapping of touchpoints into four quadrants for holistic client experience.

Connect with us to develop meaningful touch points for your firm

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