Advisory Services

Advisory Services for Top Management of Professional firms

Each advisory services suite attends to one of the nine critical control points where most of the useful work loss tends to occur.

Once we’ve taken stock of the current state of affairs at your firm, we will talk through typical routes available in general, and specifically to firms like yours. Apart from our proprietary models, here, we employ diagnostics, surveys, interviews, self-assessments, and office visits.

Together, we will explore hidden assumptions, generate new action options, investigate pros & cons, risks, costs and opprtunities. As your team works through these options, we provide frameworks, models, and professional outside perspective.

Often, as a result, firms discover latent capabilities.

Management consulting services based on proprietary models and frameworks

All of the following advisory services are tightly interrelated. Subject to your budget, business goals, foremost challenges, and decision maker availability, we’ll suggest combinations that should work for your firm best. The "+" sign indicates that services are customizable — to a degree.

The fee typically goes up the more interviews, surveys, data analysis, meetings, and follow-ups we have to conduct. Thus, larger firms typically pay more. Occasionally, the standard fees are less than displayed here.

Each item below is essentially a partial strategy in of itselft; used jointly they form an overall strategy of the firm. For example, you may want to pursue a combination of entrepreneurial, learning, cultural, and positioning strategies, and we’ll be able to assemble our advisory services accordingly.

The most comprehensive solution that includes all advisory services, and is configured to attend specifically to strategy formation, is called Future-Proof Firm package. See all other management solutions here.

Should you have any quesions, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Career and Skills suite

All professionals have a certain self-image of themselves. This advisory service will help your team assess your professionals from various aspects — many assessments you’ve already conducted yourselves — and put it all together to make quality hiring, training, promotion, and outplacement decisions.

We will go through personality profiles and self-assessment tools such as DiSC, CliftonStrengths, MBTI, etc., and map the data onto one of our proprietary maps. This will make it easier for HR professionals to evaluate staff composition, roles scarcity, and fine-tune performance appraisal systems for different types of professionals.

Primary goals: to manage employee turnover and retention.

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Price 15,000 USD+

Project Management suite

Your firm’s profitability depends on the effectiveness of your project managers (partners, team leads, coordinators). Apart from staffing projects optimally, there are ten managerial roles PMs should be aware of, and capable of. However, no one is terrific at wearing all managerial hats.

In order to avoid micro-management, there are also profesionals’ motivations to keep tabs on. In addition, there is a set of criteria that makes projects successful despite being (e.g.) less profitable.

In this advisory service, we will attend to your project management challenges to apply the best practices taking your specific requirements, projects’ nature, and goals into account.

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Price 15,000 USD+

Team Performance suite

There are eight types of teams. Each type is better-fit for certain team tasks. In addition, the team composition plays a huge role in team’s success. Certain team roles cooperate better with other roles, while others have constant issues. Each professional has a unique composition of such proclivities.

Apart from all that, there is a preferable sequence to how team tasks should unfold, when intervention will likely to be effective, and a desirable set of conditions to meet in order to increase the probability of superb team performance.

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Price 9,000 USD+

Marketing Content-Channels suite

This advisory service will assess your professionals’ and marketing specialists’ preferences toward specific marketing channels. We will review all possible options, and establish which ones will actually work for your firm.

Because budgets are always tight, and commitment isn’t always impeccable, we will develop an actionable list of marketing activities your firm will be able to do, will be willing to do, and will actually commit to doing. No sticks, and few extrinsic carrots.

We will match professionals with best-fit marketing activities. We will also tie your firm’s marketing efforts to client types, buyer decision journey, and service lines. One of the primary goals: to make yours a learning organization; at the very least, the most essential parts of it.

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Price 17,000 USD+

Client Management suite

In this advisory suite we will establish buyer (client) types your firm is currently dealing with most, the kind of service provider you are, and based on your best-fit client criteria create a scorecard system.

Thoroughly designing your service offerings, we’ll work on value capture and creation activities, explore client motivations and value elements. Additionally, we will inspect sales negotiation tactics and pricing, look into sales pitches and proposals (RFPs, RFQs).

We will also determine who among your team is better equipped for different client-facing roles, and what skills are ripe for improvement. Primary goals: assertive stance, fast quality response, preparedness, adaptiveness.

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Price 21,000 USD+

Market Positions suite

There are eight generic service provider types to choose for your firm and individual practice areas (divisions, groups). There are also unique combinations that reveal existing, and perhaps yet unoccupied, market positions.

Having identified your firm’s current position, we will look into positioning opportunities. Several techniques will aid in positioning your firm in a way that makes it scarce — in demand yet less fungible.

Apart from today’s market, we will also explore your firm’s general direction, and map out potential lucrative future market positions.

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Price 14,000 USD+

Organizational Culture suite

Organizational cultures are never homogenous. The larger the firm, the more likely each large faction (group) posseses its own subculture. There are four subculture pairs that are always at odds with one another.

We will discuss all subculture types, their strengths, and potential benefits and drawbacks. Assessing subcultures within your firm, we’ll establish how to avoid conflict, how to foster synergies, and improve collaboration.

In addition, we will create a thorough actionable plan to drive your organization toward a set of preferable subcultures. This will include managerial placements in certain positions, and creation of routines, processes, cultivation of favorable values, and tinkering with your performance appraisal system and rewards.

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Price 18,000 USD+

Organizational Structure suite

During this advisory service we will go through your organizational structure to find ways how to improve it given your current business objectives. Not all structures are supportive of every aspirational goal.

Structures may also change over time. Sometimes, a ten-year-old organizational chart is a far cry from today’s actual configuration; while top management still runs the firm as if it was. This creates additional (and unnecessary) organizational entropy.

There are several basic types of structural configurations. However, a rare firm maintains initial and pre-defined one type throughout its existance. Given your current state of affairs, and overall strategy, we’ll explore how to rearrange things to avoid future loss of useful work and improve performance.

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Price 12,000 USD+

Growth Strategy suite

Growth is often more about politics within the firm than rational economic choices. The larger the firm, the more likely two (or more) political camps will vie for their own preferable growth route.

There are eight basic routes, as well as numerous viable combinations. Some growth paths are opposites, some — complimentary. We will probe your current political milieu, and suggest how to reconcile any potential tensions that could result in direct confrontation, covert resistance, or sabotage.

This advisory service is largely about one-on-one interviews and conversations rather than firmwide surveys and workshops.

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Price 5,000 USD+

Advisory Diagnostics, Surveys, Interviews Mission, Vision, Purpose Office visits Assessments, Profiling Positioning Lead Gen Offering Design Pricing Staffing, Roles
Growth Strategy
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
Market Positions
Client Management
Marketing Content-Channels
Team Performance
Project Management
Career and Skills

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