Management Solution

Talent Magnet Firm — talent acquisition & retention solution

All flashy talent perks and benefits will be copied by your competitors in no time. Talent that follows extrinsic carrots will always flock to the highest bidder. Hopefully, you want to work with professionals who are motivated intrinsically. Folks who wouldn’t swap your firm for extra cheddar cheese toppings or mandatory monthly saturday teambuilding events.

Throwing more money at talent is a stopgap. The purpose of this TMF solutionWe use the word “solution” in alchemical terms — a special mixture with unique properties. is to gradually reduce voluntary turnover, boost job satisfaction, improve talent acquisition, and create an environment conducive of self-motivation.

Your team will get the knowledge and frameworks to become even more intentional about talent acquisition. Your firm will improve its ability to naturally eject toxic individuals, repel undesirable candidates, and attract the best-fit professionals.

Strategic Management solution to attract and retain best-fit talent

This solution consists of three key parts: professional career & skills, marketing activities, and organizational culture. Each segment contains numerous workshops, discussions, surveys, and interviews. The orientation of each advisory service is tilted toward addressing a common problem: talent acquisition.

Advisory services used: Career & Skills suite, Marketing Content-Channels suite, and Organizational Culture suite

Management topics we’ll cover:

  • Eight professional career anchors
  • Personality profiles’ mapping
  • Professionals’ natural strenghts
  • Staffing and roles
  • Talent journey, touchpoints
  • Talent elevator pitch
  • Best-fit talent qualification
  • Professional motivations
  • Preferable marketing activities
  • Marketing channels for talent acquisition
  • Learning and creativity
  • Outplacement, retention
  • Job satisfaction surveys
  • Rewards and performance appraisal system
  • Promotion and renumeration
  • Eight subcultures, dangers and opportunities
  • (In)voluntary turnover
  • Managerial roles
  • Business goals v culture
  • Handling subculture conflicts
  • Steering toward desirable culture
  • Latent capabilities at the firm today


The typical process unfolds the following way:

Step 1: Fill in the contact form. We’ll get in touch within 1-2 business days.

Step 2: We’ll have a conversation with you over the phone or zoom. There will have to be a decision maker on your end. Otherwise we’ll have to schedule another call.

Step 3: If we agree to move forward, we will send you an invoice with signed NDA and contract.

Step 4: After receipt of payment in full, we will issue a list of materials to prepare, a survey, and set a date (typically within 1-2 weeks) for diagnostics session. Diagnostics typically runs for 2-3 hours. You will be informed about who should participate.

Step 5: After diagnostics, together, we will decide if we want / should / can move forward. If not, we’ll refund you the fee in full.

Step 6: We analyze the data received from you thus far, and make a hypothesis about the problem(s). It might turn out that this is not the solution your firm needs at the moment.

Step 7: We agree on the advisory services based on accepted hypothesis. We issue the next invoice.

Step 8: We schedule interviews, surveys, office visits, workshops, etc. All details will be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

Required participation

Decision makers: CHRO, HR officers, CMO, marketing directors, middle line managers, group / division heads, CEO, managing partner.

See topics (above) to estimate who at your firm will be in a better position to make these decisions.

Typical length

9-12 months


Typically available within 1-2 months.

Advance booking is possible. Please contact to inquire about a non-refundable booking fee.


Prepayment in full. No refunds (see exception below).

Refund Policy

We provide an unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
Refer to our refund policy page for more details.


Return flights from NYC, US.
Economy class. Upgrade on long-haul flights.
Additionally: per diem, transport, lodging, print-outs, presentation tools.

Fill in this contact form

If you would like to schedule a phone call to discuss the Talent Magnet Firm solution for your firm, please fill in this form.

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