
Positioning for business & professional services firms

Well-positioned professional services firms have the following in common: deep expertise, people constantly delivering what’s promised, disciplined marketing, and as a result — higher profit margins.

Combined with a meaningful differentiation, these firms enjoy a luxury of working at a comfortable pace and workload while staying committed to leaving some opportunities out.

Market Positioning module

Buyers of professional services never hire every vendor from a single category, and objectively compare their performances. Rather — they follow certain verbal and non-verbal cues that signal what it’s going to be like to hire a particular vendor.

Buyers categorize, rank and commoditize service providers prior to hiring one to make the problem of choice easier. They do so using their own standards with pre-set definitions of a good fit. These are rarely skewed in vendor’s favor. Or in favor of the overall value for that matter.

A well-positioned professional services firm has the benefit of being placed in a favorable category. Combined with good differentiation the firm could easily become irreplaceable which leads to premium pricing.

This Positioning module goes hand in hand with the Differentiation module. Both modules are fundamentally important to your firm’s performance in the marketplace. While there are cases of profitable undifferentiated generalist firms, well-positioned practices don’t have to resort to luck, carpet-bombing ads or the right connections.

This module is almost always a constituent of our marketing solutions. We run a few tests to determine how well your firm is positioned to confirm whether this module is required.

awezzom is a Marketing Consultancy from NYC that can help your firm create a defensible market positioning.

Connect with us to discuss your positioning

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