Top Management Solutions

Management Solutions to enhance Professional firms

We use the word “solution” in alchemical terms — a special mixture with unique properties. Each practical solution is a special combination of standalone advisory services. While individual components themselves address particular challenges, jointly — with a focus on the overarching goal — they are more potent.

The most challenging business quandaries always require customization — that’s why they are so laborious in the first place. Therefore, while advisory services can be used separately, given a specific organizational challenge, they are customized to fit the requirements of a solution.

Solutions consist of several advisory services which, in turn, involve individual modules. Apart from advisory, some services include specific deliverables.

Strategic management solutions as combination of advisory services

These are the solutions to typical organizational quandaries. Your firm might be experiencing a unqiue composition of challenges and opportunities. In order for us (together with your team) to create a unique solution tailored exclusively for your firm, reconfiguration of individual advisory services and modules may take place; given your particular circumstances.

Future-Proof Firm

Our flagship solution for the most advanced firms with numerous pieces on the board. Typically, for firms with more than 100 employees. There are nine critical control points (CRICPs) to manage organizational entropy, and we attend to all with a goal to make the firm as resilient and adaptable as possible. As we delve into your corporate, business and functional strategies, we discover dormant capabilities and new configurations at your disposal. Due to scope and scale, availability is limited.

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Price 90,000 USD+

Client Magnet Firm

This solution has been created to attend to several things: (1) bringing the right kind of clients to your practices, (2) retention, cross-selling and upselling, (3) improving profitability of existing relationships, and (4) creating and capturing more value. We attend to topics such as market positioning, marketing activities, best-fit client profiles, buyer types, sales negotiations tactics, client qualification, service offering design, pricing, value, and buyer motivations.

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Price 47,000 USD+

Talent Magnet Firm

For firms with high priority in talent acquisition, retention and motivation. Topics include: organizational culture, professionals’ marketing preferences, marketing activities to attract top talent, HR strategy, professional career anchors and skills development, personality profiles, natural proclivities and strengths. The primary goal is to create an environment where employees can attest that yours is a great place to work.

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Price 45,000 USD+

Productive Profitable Firm

This solution works well for two scenarios. First, when productivity and profitability of either individual practices or whole firm are wa-ay below the market average. Second, when you really want to move the firm closer to top 10-15% of the market. In both cases — incremental yet steady productivity and profitability improvement. Here, we attend to organizational structure, client types and best-fit profiles, service offering design, pricing, sales pitches, value creation and capture activities, project management, managerial roles, and professionals’ motivation.

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Price 44,000 USD+

Collaborative Eager Firm

When your firm (or practice) relies heavily on teamwork, collaboration and learning are a must. In this solution we attend to the current composition of your professionals and staff, who to hire, who to let go first (if need be), how to motivate professionals on client engagements, how to structure the team to improve its performance, and a framework for rearranging the pieces on a team board. Topics include: types of teams, team design and roles, team task (project work) setup, managerial roles & activities, motivation, rewards, performance appraisal, carrer anchors, skills, natural strenghts, and personality profiles.

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Price 36,000 USD+

Sweet Spot Firm

There is a set of specific criteria that define a sweet spot in the marketplace. In our view, this has to do with higher than average profitability, top 20% productivity, lower voluntary turnover (could be as low as 3%), comfortable size, no debt, active client waitlist, a handful of marketing activities (and lower marketing budget), and predictable work inflow. Such firms enjoy better utilization rates, higher per employee earnings, higher profit margins, fuller lead gen pipelines, and better new business bid-to-win ratios. Your vision for a sweet spot may be different. Hence, advisory service reconfiguration is typically required.

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Price 72,000 USD+

Growth Catalyst Firm

When the primary objective is rapid growth, this configuration of advisory services is one of the best solutions. First, we will attend to growth strategy route key stakeholders will support. Next, we will assess current market position of your firm or practice, and, given your overall growth direction, tentatively select next positions. Finally, we’ll make sure the right teams are selected and set up in a way that ensures flawless execution. Topics: growth strategy options, stakeholder buy-in, positioning, team types, design, and roles. To grow faster, the firm needs a clear direction, understanding of current position, next strategic milestone, and a team capable of executing properly.

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Price 26,000 USD+

Sustainable Growth Firm

The composition of the three advisory services attends to the corporate strategy of the firm. Typically, this solution is a better fit for larger firms (>300 FTEs). The topics we’ll address: organizational culture, employee retention, performance appraisal system, necessary amount of routines and processes, core values and norms, organizational structure configuration, growth strategy.

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Price 32,000 USD+

Advisory Services
Solutions Growth Structure Culture Positioning Clients Marketing Teamwork Projets Career & Skills
Future-Proof Firm
Sweet Spot Firm
Client Magnet Firm
Talent Magnet Firm
Productive Profitable Firm
Growth Catalyst Firm
Sustainable Growth Firm
Collaborative Eager Firm

Auxiliary solutions based on combination of advisory and third-party services.

The following solutions may be suitable when your team doesn’t have access to reliable creative shops, digital or marketing agencies. Also, if your team has other major priorities, or insufficient experience in buying these services. This includes knowing the right questions to ask, and being familiar with technology and/or particular process.

Because we have extensive experience with the following services, we can serve as a project inspector to provide both guidance and execution control. We will find and introduce you to the appropriate professionals, and make sure the project commences in accordance with your interests and specified objectives. The advisory services precede execution and supervision.

Websites Worth Making

This is a perfect solution for professional services firms that want to get more business through and with the help of their websites. This package helps with generating more leads, qualifying prospects, attracting better talent, differentiating from competition, elevating your authority, and lowering cost of sale.

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Price 45,000 USD+

Magic Marketing Wand

This is a holistic solution designed for professional services firms that want to get several things done right. It starts with positioning, goes into service offerings, custom lead gen system, followed by messaging, branding, and a custom-made professional website that serves as a digital hub for marketing activities. This marketing framework is built around your firm’s main competences. The typical objectives: best-fit client and talent acquisition.

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Price 65,000 USD+
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