
Messaging system for professional service firms

Buyers of professional & business services get chased by sales hounds of undifferentiated vendors on a daily basis. They have stopped paying attention to look-alike marketing messages, spammy drip campaigns and irrelevant news.

In order to get noticed and listened to your firm’s brand messaging has to be relevant, insightful and ongoing. Buyers will pay attention to compelling messages, and will remember its source when reminded properly.

Brand Messaging module

This module is an extension of lead gen module. And usually we encourage firms to go through this module when their website reveals there’s room for copywriting improvements.

Typically we encourage principals to hire a copywriter or a journalist who’d conduct interviews with key people at the firm and either bang out solid copy in days (when you need to move forward faster), or go deeper when that’s what marketplace evidence suggests.

We can guide copywriters toward your business objectives, and provide them with a list of questions that have to be covered during the interviews.

Part of this Messaging module are homework exercises, part of it are life discussions and Q&As with principals and key decisions makers at your firm.

Here is what you can expect from this module:

  • Voice & Tone, Look & Feel
  • Elevator pitch and Tagline
  • Website copy review
  • Curated list of benefits
  • Copywriting tips, dos and don’ts for future messaging
  • Industry’s and buyers’ assumptions
  • Content planning funnel

Connect with us to create a custom brand messaging framework for your firm

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