Performance potential test
Run this quick test to see if your firm qualifies as a sweet spot firm. The calculator will estimate your revenue potential. If you want deeper analysis you may want to submit additional data for review.
Tools & Calculators
These free calculators will help you with your management and marketing efforts. You can apply these tools on projects such as a website redo or rebranding. Some items will aid in your firm’s self-assessment. At the very least, you will gain more certainty in making business decisions.
We have developed and offer these tools free of charge because we want to encourage, support, and facilitate competence and curiosity among professional experts.
Use our free calculators designed specifically for Professional services firms: architects, engineers, creatives, accountants, lawyers, recruiters, and consultants.
We are constantly looking for ways to aid fellow professional experts. This collection of free tools and calculators is one of those efforts.
We want to encourage and support competent professionals who believe in doing the best work for their clients. If you have a problem — tell us about it. Most common problems encourage us to develop tools and, when possible, distribute it for free.
Run this quick test to see if your firm qualifies as a sweet spot firm. The calculator will estimate your revenue potential. If you want deeper analysis you may want to submit additional data for review.
This web design calculator had been crafted for managers, leaders and entrepreneurs who take their businesses seriously. If you care about the outcome and value your time, effort and brain cells of every stakeholder: customers, employees, colleagues, investors and partners, this tool is the right one for you.
This calculator will help you determine the amount of losses you company might have if your web pages load slower than the industry's three-second benchmark. The fact is — users don't wait for the page to load. If your prospects leave before seeing your offer you have no chance of selling to them. Calculate your potential losses with this tool.
The brand logo design calculator will help you estimate how much you should expect to pay for a great logo for your company. Bootstrapped start-ups shouldn't invest a lot while established companies aiming to step up in their marketing game should anticipate and be willing to pay more for a good quality logo design.
This tool will help you estimate your marketing budget for online ads. Clicks' costs differ on social media platforms and online search engines. A single click does not guarantee your small business gets a sale or a client. This CPC campaign calculator is based on typical costs, industry benchmarks and realistic expectations.