
Magic marketing wand

The Magic Marketing Wand is a special marketing framework with fundamental custom-made must-have deliverables for its support. It has been designed specifically for professional & business services (PBS industry) firms.

At its core is the following idea — to become more profitable your firm needs an ongoing influx of better clients who eagerly pay a price premium for your deep expertise. This will allow you to get your people smarter, grow competence and create a comfortable business practice.

Apart from insights, marketing theory and experience in the respective fields the framework itself and its most prominent components were developed with application of the SCP model. It seeks alignment between stakeholders, clients and profits at every critical business decision. Constituent modules get updates and improvements on a regular basis.

Marketing framework for professional services firm | awezzom

About the Magic Marketing Wand

The marketing program for your firm will be built around something that you have in spades — competence. The bad news (for you) is that most of your competitors are in fact as competent as you are. The good news — a huge chunk of them (50-70%) aren’t positioned well-enough, are undifferentiated and aren’t disciplined about their marketing. On top of that — the quality of their business decisions prevents them from getting ahead.

This means they can’t command a price premium, can’t hire better talent, win less business, are stuck with bad clients, and can’t invest in own professional growth. Thus can’t become more competent faster which affects profitability and eventually their sustainability.

This framework allows us to conduct a rigorous assessment of your firm, and provide you with candid recommendations. Even though you will find that your challenges aren’t unheard of, the composition of individual issues will likely be unique. This will require a customized approach to your situation.

You could start doing the kind of work that is meaningful and impactful for clients you’ve always wanted to work with. This is your chance to create the kind of firm you've always hoped it would become. And go beyond that.

Constituent elements of the MMW framework and the Process

Part I Step 1

Initial conversation

Prior to moving forward we’ll have a brief conversation over the phone about what it is that you’re looking for for your firm. We’ll assess if there is a fit between what we do and what you want, and whether or not it makes sense to move forward.

To schedule a call please use one of the contact forms on this website.

Step 2

Paid diagnostics

We will issue an invoice for 2,000 USD payable upfront. We will schedule a 1-2hr diagnostics call typically within one week upon receipt of payment.

During this call we will ask you multiple questions to better understand your situation. There are no right or wrong answers so there is no need to prepare in advance.

The more unprepared you are the better as it usually reveals what otherwise might’ve been attempted to be disguised. The more candid you are about the state of affairs at your firm the better our assessment of the situation.

If after this paid diagnostics session either of us decide not to move forward for whatever reason, we will refund you this fee in full. Typically within 2 business weeks.

Providing we have mutually agreed to go ahead we will spend some time (usually a week) to analyze your answers and come up with proposed solution(-s).

If the diagnostics reveals the Magic Marketing Wand is the best way to move forward, we will proceed. If we come to a conclusion that some other solution works best for your firm at this point in time, we will suggest that.

Step 3

Level of engagement

Based on the findings of the diagnostics we will communicate over email to agree on the level of our engagement. The scope of our work in the MMW package is a most common one but some modules might have to be removed, and alterations are possible. This has an effect on the final price.

Step 4

Paperwork required

To formalize things we will send you the paperwork: a contract to sign and return, a NDA signed on our part to protect your confidential information. We will then send you a list of materials you’ll need to prepare (e.g. list of employees, roles, revenue, number of clients, gross/net profits, etc.). All of the information requested is vital for clear assessment and future recommendations.

Once you sign and return the contract we will send you the second invoice for 31,500 USD. Full prepayment. Non-refundable.

Part II
Step 5

Number of workshops

We will conduct workshops (typically 8 in total) via Zoom (or similar). One workshop per week. All workshops are recorded for future reference. Some workshops consist of two modules, ~ 3 hours each. On average a typical workshop runs for 6 hours with a few breaks in between work.

It usually takes 8 weeks to go through all workshops. Sometimes we have to get back to one or several of the modules and rerun them partially due to newly uncovered (or previously missing) piece of data or information.

On some occasions we might have to conduct live workshops for several days in a row. In such cases this requires allocation of additional funds for our engagement including travel expenses. Such situations are discussed and agreed upon separately.

Who should participate

We expect principals (owners, founders, presidents) and key executives from marketing, sales, business development and heads of individual service departments to be present at all times.

The exact number of people will be agreed upon during Part I of our engagement.

The homework

Most of the workshops have homework that has a due date — typically two days prior to the next workshop. It usually takes an hour to complete homework assignments.

Some of the assignments are instrumental to upcoming modules. If the homework isn’t submitted on time by all participants, we’d have to postpone commencement of the following steps.

Constituent modules

The Magic Marketing Wand package consist of the following modules:

  • Core MVVP — discovering and formulating mission, vision, values and purpose of your firm.
  • Culture — what kind of culture would work best for your firm.
  • Target Market — a closer look at your clients.
  • Competitive landscape — an overview of your competition.
  • Naming[optional] when you need to rebrand, merge or change positioning.
  • Storytelling[optional] to boost your marketing communications.
  • Positioning — what business you’re in / should be.
  • Differentiation — how you can stand out from bland commodities.
  • Service offerings — designing and repackaging your capabilities.
  • Pricing — choosing the right price band for your expertise.
  • Lead gen — a system for getting more leads and better-qualified clients.
  • Messaging — fundamental messages for compelling marketing comms.
  • Touchpoints — designing a comprehensive points-of-contact map.
  • Roadmap — putting it all together, budgeting and assigning responsibilities.
Step 6


After the last module we will require 2 weeks to digest the data and produce concise, to-the-point recommendations.

Formal written reports are typically 60 pages long and are outside of the main scope of our engagements. Price starts at 2,000 USD and up for such reports.

We don’t recommend including an executive summary into the scope if the intention is to skim through the report, and put it on a dusty shelf.

Part III
Step 7

Creating deliverables

The Roadmap module will reveal what needs to be done for the designated business objectives. Together we will produce a list of tasks, scopes, timelines and budgets.

The must-have parts of the Magic Marketing Wand package are branding fundamentals, professional lead-generating website and your commitment to the schedule.

At this stage we will issue an invoice for approximately 31,500 USD. This is the amount you should plan for but the exact amount (that sometimes is less) will be worked out at the Roadmap stage.

These amounts are payable upfront and are non-refundable.

Branding fundamentals

We will outline what’s included in branding, what to expect and how many revisions you will have. This part of the engagement usually commences within 2-4 weeks.

We will cover all the fundamentals: logo design, color palette, icons, patterns and typography. We will not produce any of marketing collateral such as business cards, brochures, posters, etc.

But you will have all the essentials as a solid branding system including guidelines for dos and dont’s. From there any professional graphic designer will be able to create any marketing collateral per your requirements.

We have specific objective criteria for evaluation and acceptance of our branding work. It always follows industry’s best practices. Subjective evaluation such as like or dislike will not be permitted.

If you’re looking for a perfect branding that everyone will love, the Magic Marketing Wand is not for you. Please select a different solution without the branding component.

Step 8

Professional website

Once the branding is done we will proceed with building a professional website for your firm. The Roadmap module will reveal what functionality of the web app is required to meet your business goals.

Typically a professional services firm requires a content management system (CMS), some reporting tools and several third-party integrations. From the front-end perspective (design, nr.of pages, performance, SEO, content, copy, UI & UX, etc.) you can expect the kind of website you see in front of you. The back-end (CMS, dashboard, automation, etc.) is always custom-made per specific business objectives.

The new website is typically delivered within 6 months. It takes less time for smaller firms that have smaller budgets and less of immediate business objectives. It can sometimes take longer if the budget is tight but objectives can’t be postponed. But in other cases six months is what we aim for to create a solid, well-desinged professional website.

Automation and other custom-made tools that can boost your team’s performance are discussed, billed and built separately. This includes instruments such as content publishing and automatic distribution, notification systems, behavior tracking & analytics, data exports, social media auto-sharing, scheduling, etc.

Part IV
Step 9

Implementation of the marketing plan

At this point you will have a solid positioning, a compelling differentiation, a lead generation plan, a professional website that will attract prospects and client qualification system. The next logical step is to start implementing digital marketing tactics to fill the lead gen pipeline.

So after approximately 8 weeks of business strategy and then another 6 months of development of your firm’s branding and website we will engage in the final stage of the MMW solution.

Your team will come up with compelling taglines for your online ads. At this point you will have a landing page (-s) and A/B test PPC ads ready. We will review them and make suggestions where necessary.

You will have a list of prospects and a marketing message ready. We will review that and you’ll be ready to start sending this out via email, mail or overnight delivery.

During the Lead Gen module we will finalize the list of high impact activities that you should be focusing on. We will once again review those, make any necessary adjustments and you’ll commit resources to these activities.

Final steps of this engagement

We will check in with you on your progress twice during the next six months. We will answer your questions and make further recommendations for adjustments where necessary. Such check-in happens via email correspondence or brief phone calls.

Beyond this your key people will be getting insights via email from us if they sign up on this website. We will anounce about upcoming seminars, new tools and calculators as well as deliver fresh articles on the subject of marketing for professional services firms.

Indicators in favor of the MMW program

The MMW program is the perfect solution for your firm if half of these indicators checks out.

  1. Your revenue per each full-time employee (FTE) is below the market average of $165,000 per annum in the US (adjustable for your regional markets).
  2. You have one large client account that represents more than 25% of all of your business.
  3. Your team deems more than 20% of all existing accounts as bad-fit clients.
  4. You are forced to change your processes to satisfy client demands more frequently than 20% of your engagements.
  5. Your utilization rate (taking all FTEs into account) is less than 50% or higher than 80%.
  6. You can accredit more than 25% of all new business to a single individual who isn’t a principal (owns part of the company) at the firm.
  7. You have abandonded the idea of posting articles, thoughts and insights. Your marketing communication is infrequent, unscheduled or generic.
  8. Referrals and word of mouth are the source of the bulk of your new business.
  9. You keep using PPC ads year over year to stay busy rather than grow or get better qualified clients.
  10. Principals wholeheartedly believe the purpose of your firm is to make money.
  11. When asked casually about your firm’s mission and vision for the future your employees make confusing, vague or contradictory statements.
  12. When asked about what sets your firm apart most of your people will say: we work harder, we think strategically, we have our clients’ best interest at heart, we dive really deep into clients’ problems, we are very creative problem-solvers.

Questions & answers ▾▾▾

The nature of our work requires full confidentiality. We expect you wouldn’t be happy if we were to discuss your firm’s challenges, strategy and metrics with anyone else.

You are welcome to browse through this website and form an opinion about whether or not we are competent enough and trustworthy enough to work with you.

From multiple sources such as our work with clients, other experts’ insights, marketing theory, research data, published company reports, etc. We cross-reference these sources, analyze data, and put information under scrutiny.

The total scope of the project and overall investment might turn out to be less. But this revelation comes after paid diagnostics. We advise you to make sure you have the full amount prior to our engagement.

The prices are non-negotiable. The overall value always exceeds your investment.

We don’t provide such lists. We solve problems for our clients. And often we have to pivot our approach on the fly. Either you trust in our ability to deliver or you don’t.

After all — if you want the magic to happen you have to believe in magic.

We will assess your current branding and if it’s OK for the size of your firm in the marketplace you’re in we will skip this step and adjust the total budget accordingly.

We will make an assessment of your website during the diagnostics session. If your website requires a few adjustments here and there we will notify you and scale the total budget down accordingly. Typically with the MMW package website needs a full redo (it isn’t just the looks of it).

Focus on a very narrow niche. Solve a problem differently but very well. Don’t aim at growing the size of the firm but rather at its profitability. Come back to us when you have resources and a firm commitment to becoming the go-to expert in your category.

The one thing that has a signifficant impact on your performance is the level of committment to the marketing plan as well as your discipline. Your firm will make a promise and will have to show up with no excuses.

Typically it’s a nine month engagement. Sometimes it is less, sometimes it’s more than that. Afterwards we check in twice in the next six months as part of the engagement.

We give priority to clients who choose to implement our existing packaged solutions. Individual modules come in pairs with a minimum engagement of six modules. You might have to wait for a free spot for a few weeks in between individuals modules should you choose that option.

Occasionally there might be a limited time deal on an individual module for our existing clients who we’ve already worked with. This enables us to skip discovery and full-scale diagnostics sessions.

Once you have a website, a lead gen system and messaging in place you will begin to implement your marketing plan. Typically you should expect to see positive results within 12-18 months. But there are positive effects right away as well.

Fill in this contact form

If you would like to schedule a phone call to discuss the Magic Marketing Wand solution for your firm, please fill in this form.

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