
Storytelling for professional service firms

We don’t have the data (yet) on how many buyers of professional services are influenced by the stories behind vendors’ humble beginnings. They are driven mostly by value rather than stories.

But our gut feeling suggests that, given a vast number of undifferentiated firms in the marketplace, buyers have to look for cues that help them rank one vendor above others. Storytelling, good copy and graphic design help poorly differentiated firms stand out from the crowd of dull sameness.

Brand storytelling module

This storytelling module isn’t only about your firm, your humble beginnings, your team and ever-happy clients. It isn’t about bragging or painting a picture prettier than reality.

It’s about communicating the kind of information that is relevant and compelling to your prospects, not the kind that bolsters your team members’ egos.

This module is also about the kind of aspirational stories you’d want to tell your prospects about your clients. Your case studies can be transformed into great stories and communicated via preferable channels to enhance your marketing.

Connect with us to design a roadmap for your firm

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