Service offering

Website performance optimization services

Buyers of professional services tend to abandon slow websites. Search engines encourage web developers to code faster applications and reward well-optimized web pages with higher SERPs, especially on mobile.

Today having an optimized website with improved performance is akin to having good manners.

Industry benchmarks for website speed

Even though the network speeds and computer processing power are faster than ever before, website performance remains a big problem. Based on the data from HTTP Archive, websites today are as slow as they were 10 years ago.

Google considers this a major problem, so they decided to penalize websites that are not mobile-friendly. You can read more about this search engine’s policies here. Bless their hearts for providing a mobile-friendliness test, though. Check it out to see if your page is considered ‘unfriendly’.

The search giant put up a list of benchmarks for website owners to aim at if they want to have better search result page rankings (SERP).

< 500 Kb
< 3s
First Byte
< 1.3s
< 50

There are free online metrics available for you to test your website, e.g. GTmetrix, WebPageTest and PingDom to name a few. This means that as a website owner you can identify the problem and do something about it. Ideally, you want your web pages to be in the sweet spot of around and about 90% (push the button).

F 22%

The need for speed

How important is this speed issue? Some studies suggest that there is a direct correlation between visitor’s retention and the time it takes the web-page to load.

In 2018 BBC shared thier findings about their experience with building websites that scale. They claim that every extra second it takes the website to load, additional 10% of users leave.

Similar results were published by Google where they claim with a 90% prediction accuracy that as the web page loads from one second to ten, the probability of the mobile user to drop off (leave) is increased to 123 per cent. Click on that happy face below to see for yourself.

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Here is a list of things that make your website slow: large unscaled images, uncompressed files, broken links, unnecessary redirects, excessive amount of requests, unminified JavaScript and stylesheets, distance from the server, outdated & abandoned plugins, unstructured load sequence, repeat logic and unnecessary resources.

Here’s what our awezzom team can do to drastically improve your website’s performance and page loading speeds.


We can deflate, gzip or otherwise compress your website’s files on the server side, so that your users would have to download less, making data transfers cheaper and page loads faster.


We can investigate your images, compress, optimize and scale them for all screen sizes so that your visitors would always see the most suitable images for proper devices and with perfect dimensions.


We can generate images in next generation formats like WebP that could potentially save up to 70% of data traffic thus making your web-page load faster and your mobile users spending less money on downloads.


We can transform some of your images into lightweight scalable vector elements that can be manipulated with to change their appearance and create engaging animations dynamically.


We can alter your current HTML markup insuring proper fallbacks, placeholders and responsiveness to accomodate for contemporary web requirements favored by modern browsers and search engines.


We can make sure your website is always close to your core target audience by identifying their location and setting up servers next to your users.


We will choose the right approach to distributing static files over content delivery networks so that this data gets delivered faster to your users all over the world.

Lazy load

We can implement a lazy loading strategy for your images, videos and iframes so that the most important, meaningful and engaging content is loaded fast and everything else is downloaded when required.


We can minimize the number of requests by grouping stylesheets, fonts and JavaScript files in an efficient way so that these assets are downloaded and parsed fast.


We can plan server requests and postpone loading of resources that might not be used or are going to be used at later stages so that only the most essential files are loaded and executed.


We can analyze and distribute the code into separate chunks to load critical resources faster and defer loading the non-criticial assets until later.


We will minify JavaScript, CSS and HTML code so that it’s smaller in size and therefore loaded much faster.


We can inspect the state your plugins, add-ons and apps are in, get rid of unutilized, unnecessary & deprecated ones and fine-tune essentials to get maximum performance boons.


We can make sure there is a minimum amount of redirects on the server to prevent from time consuming DNS lookups. We will fix broken links as well to prevent browser from spending resources following a faulty path.


We can review and alter your website’s code to make it clean, simple and effecient by simplifying tangled logic, providing comments and using concise & obvious variable names.

awezzom is a Marketing Consultancy from NYC that can help your firm with website optimization.

Connect with us to discuss your website

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