
Roadmap planning for professional service firms

The aim of the roadmap module is to have an actionable list of prioritized marketing activities. Your people will know what’s expected to be accomplished in short-to-long terms and why its prioritized this way.

A well-performing professional services firm spends around 5% of its time on marketing-related activities. This module will allow you to benchmark and filter out less relevant ones.

Roadmap module

This module is tightly related to the Touchpoints module. Once we have identified which points of contact your firm should focus on, we’d have to work at prioritizing these touchpoints based on your business objectives.

In this module we will lay out a plan for short, mid and long-term actions at specific touch points. We will estimate budgets and appoint responsibilities.

The SCP model will help us determine which of the outsourced marketing assets should be procured off-the-rack, be custom-made or ordered from premium sellers. It will also help us plan our internal efforts toward a particular marketing activity.

Here is what you can expect from this module:

  • List of business objectives
  • List of short-term, mid-term and long-term activities at touchpoints
  • Assignment of people responsible
  • Budget allocations applying the SCP model
  • Mapping capacity to business objectives
  • Calculating and planning man-hours on marketing activities

Connect with us to design a roadmap for your firm

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