Marketing for Legal firms & Attorneys

Attorneys, paralegal and lawyers who run their legal practices are often capable of doing good work for their clients. It is rarely the lack of competence that makes them struggle. Most often than not the hurdles pop up as a result of misaligned marketing decisions.

We work with principals and managing partners of legal firms on fundamentals such as positining, service packages and lead gen, placing your core advantage — competence — at the heart of it all.

Firms that don’t provide discounts win 30% more new business than firms that discount heavily.

The top challenges of legal firms

Among many challenges legal firms have, principals report the following as topmost priority:

  1. Finding better talent
  2. Motivating junior partners and existing employees
  3. Reducing non-billable hour rates
  4. How to increase efficiency
  5. How to find better clients
  6. Which marketing tactics would work
  7. What strategic actions should get a priority
  8. How to set marketing budgets
  9. Creating a cooperative culture
  10. Better ways of making smart business decisions

Take a look at our marketing solutions developed specifically for professional services firms to tackle the aforementioned challenges.

Get better clients for your legal practice

Buyers of legal services are confused — the marketplace is saturated with so many undifferentiated alternatives.

The problem isn’t with the absense of competent lawyers and attorneys. It’s about who to pick from the sea of sameness.

The average legal firm isn’t differentiated. “We do A, B, C and sometimes also Y for . . . everyone,” — is the common elevator pitch of a typical law firm. This makes the problem of choice even harder.

Unless the firm aims at being the price leader (aka the cheapest lawyers in town) the one way we know works is to differentiate your legal practice.

To get better clients at your front doors we will look at your positioning, revisit your offerings and create a custom marketing framework that generates more leads.

We want to make it a no-brainer for your prospects to know when to pick you instead of your competitors.

Make your legal practice more profitable

Non-billable hours is a pain in the neck. But when it comes to utilization rates there is a threshold at both ends of the spectrum: too low and your firm needs more work, too high and you’re overworking your people. The closer you are to a sweat spot the better your performance.

Another part of the equasion is positioning. We need to position your law firm in a defensible yet compelling way so that your clients stop seeing you as an interchangeable commodity.

The next part of the solution is to play to your strengths by using your trump card — your expertise. When you radiate competence your prospects will find you irreplaceable.

Once you have a surplus of clients you will be able to increase your rates, and thus become more profitable.

Become a magnet to best talent

Attracting top talent and retaining good employees has always been hard. Yet some companies manage to do it better than their peers. Culture plays a big role in this.

A company cannot expect a 100% retention rate but if your turnover is higher than the industry average it should (can) be fixed.

We’re not a substitute to your recruitment and HR management efforts but we can introduce several tactics to improve your retention and reduce attrition rates at your legal practice.

To our knowledge, better talent (apart from higher salary and benefits) gravitate toward legal firms with a clearly articulated vision, compelling mission, a point of view and career-boosting spring board.

When we review your service offering packages and your lead gen plan we will discuss who you need to hire, let go and promote to provide the execution of the aforementioned.

Connect with us to discuss your challenges and aspirations

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